COVER SHOOT: London Amazonas
Who were we before colonisation? We were Indigenous, native, tribal peoples. We were people of the Land. Over centuries we have become a culture of mixed blood:, Indigenous, African and European. We may be Latinas in London but we never forget who our ancestors are and where we come from. This is us. Seven beautiful queens from Honduras, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela and Chille, showing our diversity, the richness of culture of Latin America and the exotic fruits from the motherland. We came together to share our stories and experiences, to enjoy our sense of belonging and community. It is hard being away from your motherland, it’s even harder for our parents who had to walk away from a place they loved to come to the unknown to make a better life for us. We are passionate, resilient, hardworking, intelligent, fun, nurturing and we are here to be seen and heard! It is time for us to unite, uplift and support one another or who else will?
Thanks to Carina Costa Londoño (production manager) Jason Garcia (photographer @dont.smile_) Carolina Rodriguez (make up, @ladycarolinax) Kirubel Belay (stylist and co-director @kirubelbelay_) Anna Makri (stylist @annamakri) Jennifer Lamprea (Assistant stylist, @jenlamp) Juan Bedoya Rojas (videographer juanbesoyaeojas_films) Jewellry provided by Atteyé (@atteye) and fruit provided by Gustavo Santa Torres, BRaw EatRaw @braw_eatraw